

We have included promotional assets and screenshots for press use. For any questions, you can contact us at [email protected], we'd love to hear from you!

App Icons

You can find images of our logo, pinny, below:

white logo transparent logo

iPhone Screenshots

pin detail view user profile view stats view explore view wishlist view app icon selection meet the team

iPad Screenshots

user profile view pin detail view explore view


pinplanet is a free iOS and Android app that lets you catalog past trips and plan new ones.

  • Create detailed pins that let you keep track of spots, reviews, photos, and travel buddies.
  • Travel stats: see the percentage of each continent visited and your total number of countries, pins, and spots.
  • Personalized globe/map that displays pins and colors in countries visited.
  • Explore page to inspire new travels.
  • Simple trip planning with a calendar view. Able to collect dates, notes, images with travel buddies.



pinplanet 3.1 includes some highly requested features following our 3.0 launch. The official release date is on .

  • New add spot to wishlist button on pins to easily start planning your next trip
  • New option to view all spots from your trip on a map
  • Option to swipe through all spots within a pin
  • Improved searching for pin/spot locations
  • Pinned places now displayed on wishlist calendar
  • Sign in with Google now available


pinplanet 3.0 is jam packed with lots of updates that significantly improve the app experience based on lots of user feedback. The official release is on . Here's what's new:

  • Scrollable section of latest pins by users you follow at top of feed
  • Redesigned users section on our explore feed that shows pins and countries visited
  • Redesigned pin form to better guide users through pinning process
  • Updated color palette
  • Widgets on iOS
  • Sign In With Apple now available
  • Option to add travel buddies to multiple trips at once
  • Comment likes
  • Alternate icons available for more customized fun on your home screen
  • Lots of bug/stability fixes

How We Started

In late summer 2021, Anna met Harout while he was bartending at a DC bar. Anna had an app idea to document travel experiences and streamline trip planning. Turns out, Harout builds apps. Next thing you know, pinplanet was born.

They began talking about making the app that fall and after going on trips to Dublin and Mexico, had a soft launch of a progressive web application by May 2022. Andrew joined the team a few months after starting. Friends, family, and the initial group of users who tested it out wanted it to be a native mobile app. So we pivoted and built a native iOS app released in November 2022, and an Android app in February 2024.


For any questions, you can contact us at [email protected].